Monday, January 13, 2014

NSLI-Y Interview

So I was reading another exchange blog and I realized that I should probably talk about my NSLI-Y interview! I had my interview on Saturday(1/11) at a church about a half an hour away from my house. There were 12 people total that were interviewed there but only four in each time slot. I'm not sure why but it was really wired to see other applicants and I also learned that there was a junior at my school that was also a semi-finalist who had been interviewed in the time slot before me! My interviewer ended up being someone who used to work with my mom at AFS! My interview was about an hour long and my mom and I were interviewed together the entire time. Most interviewers only have your parent(s) interviewed with you for about 10 minutes so I was a little surprised it was the whole time. As for the questions, I had looked at what other people say some of them are so I prepared for those but only one of them was asked in my interview. I would say if you are trying to prepare don't spend to much time on it. Just know why you want to go and what you hope to get out of it! The finalist acceptance/rejection notifications for both YES Abroad and NSLI-Y will come out mid-late March so I will be anxiously waiting!

Also, on a side note, the YES Abroad application deadline was pushed back to 1/15 because of weather related school closures. My app is already submitted so it doesn't really affect me but I hope it doesn't push back the semi notifications! (47 days!)