Friday, February 28, 2014

Guess What?!

"Dear YES Abroad Applicant,
The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad consortium is pleased to inform you that the Scholarship Review Committee has chosen you as a Semi-Finalist for the YES Abroad program for 2014 - 2015."

           After I had given up hope that the notifications would come today (which they kinda were supposed to) I received this email! Actually, it was a little more stressful than that. So I stopped checking my email and the Facebook group and our group chat. About 30-45 minutes after that my phone went "bzzt" "bzzt" bzzt" "bzzt" and literally wouldn't stop. I checked it and a bunch of people had received they're semi acceptance email! Obviously, I tried to check my email but my phone was being stupid and so I tried my computer and the WiFi wasn't working and idk. After like the 115 most stressful seconds of my life, the email loaded on my phone! Soon after that I broke out in hives for some unknown reason but that okay, nothing could ruin my mood:) So now since I already have the medical evaluation and the academic credit form done I just have to sign some other papers and I will be ready for the IPSE!! Only 20 days I CANNOT wait!!!