Sunday, October 26, 2014

Prvi Snijeg! The First Snow!

On Wednesday Sarajevo had the first snow of the winter. It was a magical day. The it started falling when I was on a long break at school so when we noticed it, Ewea, our friend Andrea, and I ran outside to experience the wonder. There wasn't much snow at the time but it was just the beginning. I little while later Racheal was out of chemistry for a 20 minute break so we went outside and danced around in the snow while wearing just sweaters(everyone else had long, wool jackets) and took pictures because by this time there was a lot of snow and it was sticking!! Even though we are both from very snowy states(MN and VT) we were both super excited and just wanted to run around outside like eight year olds all day instead of sitting in school.

Rachel and me loving the snow

Rachel and me with our friend Tino

After my last class, which was biology, we had our weekly Bosnian lesson. We listened to a song and tried to figure out the lyrics. It was a pretty uneventful lesson but it was fun. The lesson ended at 7 and Rachael, Dan, and I had to be back at school at 7:20 to meet one of our friends to go to a play. On our way, it was snowing big, beautiful flakes of snow and that put us all in the Christmas spirit(even though it is October) so we started belting out all of our favorite Christmas/winter songs such as "Let it Snow", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", "Jingle Bell Rock", and "Frosty the Snowman". We were half running cause we were going to be late and completely out of breath from singing the entire time but it was so much fun.
A quick selfie on our way to the theater
We eventually got to the theater and we were excited but not quite sure what to expect. All we really knew was that this play would be in Bosnian. So basically we wouldn't be able to understand much of it. When we got inside the actual theater part we were kind of surprised/confused. There were no seats, just bean bags on the ground. So we found a nice spot and sat down. Then we were looking to the front where a screen was waiting for the play to start. To our surprise, that was not where they performance would happen. The entire play was ABOVE us. They stood on platforms on the ceiling while we were lying down on comfy bean bags. It was a very unique experience.

The play ended at around 11 and I live about a 30 minute walk away and my busses were done for the night so I took a taxi home, went up to my bed, and fell asleep listening to Christmas music. Rachael and Dan, on the other hand, live a 2 hour walk away but their trolleybus was still running(they thought) so they had an interesting experience that one of them might blog about soon. Overall, the day of our first Sarajevo snow was an unforgettable day

For more pictures follow me on Instagram: @liliazubar