Monday, December 1, 2014

A Day in the Life

A lot of people have been asking me "What do you do everyday?" or "What's a normal day for you?" so I am going to hopefully answer those questions with a description of an average school day.

7:30- My alarm clock goes off to begin my day.

7:50- I head downstairs to eat breakfast which usually consists of thick pieces of delicious bread topped with meat and cheese or jam. To drink, I usually have homemade cherry, raspberry, or blackberry juice.

8:15- Start my 8-10 minute uphill walk to my bus stop. I wait at the bus stop and look around at the overlooking view beautiful city I live in, try to figure out what an elderly woman is trying to tell me, and relax before the long day ahead of me. Since the bus schedule is not very reliable I never know when it's coming so after five-seven minutes of waiting, I continue walking. I walk down the hill, past the market, past the cemetery, past the park, and I arrive at school.

8:45- I arrive at school and go inside and wait for class while talking with friends by the two benches inside the school.

8:50- The ear piercing bell goes off and we head off to class. Once in class, we wait for the teacher to walk in. Sometimes we stand up out of respect when the teacher comes but sometimes we don't. I basically just follow what the Bosnians do :) Each class is 45 minutes long but usually we have two consecutive classes of each subject.

9:35-The bell rings again and we have a five minute break before the next class of this same subject starts. Usually we stay in the classroom and just talk but sometimes we go outside for a little bit of fresh air.

9:40- Back to class for another 45 minutes.

10:25- The bell rings and since I am not in the next class I have a break. This one will last about two hours, Usually I will go to a cafe and drink tea with some friends or do homework. There are a plethora of cafes to choose from. Bosnia definitely has a strong cafe culture. During longer breaks 4+ hours, I sometimes go to the gym which is about a 15 minute tram ride away in Old Town.

12:25- I am back at school for my next class. I have classes for the rest of the day with five minute breaks every 45 minutes and a couple twenty minutes breaks in place of the 5 minute breaks.

1:10- After my class that ends at 1:10 I have a twenty minute break. In this time I will go to a bakery and buy a burek or kormpirusa for a snack. Burek is a traditional Bosnian food which is made by wrapping meat in layers of phillo dough. Krompirusa is the same but with potato instead of meat.

What a bakery looks like
6:00- My last class of the day is finally over and by this time it is already pitch dark outside. I go outside of school to my bus which is conveniently located right outside my school. I wait 10-20 minutes for my bus to come and then I ride home. Sometimes during the wait I am reprimanded by an old lady for sitting on the cold concrete ledge because it will freeze my ovaries.

6:30- I arrive home and lunch/dinner is on the table(lunch is typically served at 3 so this is kinda in between lunch and dinner). An average meal would consist of small chunks of chicken baked in a gravy like sauce and rice or potatoes, and some sort of vegetable like peas or beets. And no Bosnian meal is complete without delicious bread.

Another common Bosnian meal: Stuffed peppers with rice, meat chunks, and somevegetables

7:15- What I do during this time changes all the time. Sometimes I'll play with my young host sisters, sometimes I bake cake with my host mom, sometimes I watch Turkish soap operas, and sometimes I just relax.

10:30- I head upstairs and get ready for bed.

**Although this is labeled as an "average day", I don't really have any "average days". My schedule changes every day and I have 2 different schedules that alternate each week. This is a Thursday in my "Morning Schudule" which is one of my longer days. Most days I am not at school this long**