Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One Month

In exactly one month I will be in Bosnia. Trying to envision that is exciting, scary, and extremely difficult. There are so many things I wonder about; "How will I learn Bosnian?" "What does Sarajevo sound like?" "How will I navigate Sarajevo when I frequently get lost in my own town, where I have lived in for sixteen years?" "What will school be like?" "What about the weather?" "Am I bringing the right clothes?"

My one biggest, most burning question of "Who is my host family?" was answered this week. YES! I GOT MY HOST FAMILY!

I have two, younger host sisters, a host mom, and host dad! My host mom and one of my host sisters speak "intermediate" English and my host dad and my other host sister speak "some" English. I'm not exactly sure what "intermediate" and "some" mean but I guess I will find out! I am hoping once I have the Bosnian basics down that we will talk in Bosnian:) My family also has a dog which I was really excited about. They live in a house about a mile away from my school, so it is a nice walking distance. My family is so perfect for me. They like to go on hikes, do sports, and spend time together(they also like chocolate cake which is a plus!). Also, my host mom used to be competitive swimmer and now she swims occasionally so maybe I can join her!(I'm not exactly sure who reads this but for those who don't know, I swam competitively for a long time, like 11 or 12 years, and I recently "retired") I have emailed my host mom and talked to one of my host sisters on Facebook. They both seem super sweet! I am so excited to meet everyone!

My future school

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